Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I introduce to you, Sir Edward the Second.

Here is the package I got from TopTropicals and Edward wrapped up like a closed umbrella.
Edward unfurled. Note the rootball. He has a nice thick trunk and leafy. I noticed the top had what looked like multiple branches, that had been cut off. Perhaps to make the plant smaller for shipping?
I hope that once Edwards show signs of surviving and get establish, I'll prune it down or try notching to encourage lower lateral branching.
Here is Edward's root mass. I washed off all the soil and bare-rooted him. Shocking no doubt but I wanted to go soilless completely.
Here is Edward in a Gro Pot. I soaked the fabric container until the water coming out the bottom was almost clear. I wanted to make sure I leeched out as much of the fertilizer that I used with Southern Blush. I hope there are no air pockets in the pot.
Here is Edward in a Home Depot bucket and placed in my kitchen; where the light levels are low, allowing Edward to conserve water.