Saturday, December 8, 2012

Repotting new mango trees.

I made a nice batch of potting medium. I think my best mix so far. Coir, Diatomaceous Rock, Floor-Dry, granite, perlite, hydroton, Growstones, mycorrhiza fungus, Azo bacteria, seaweed and glacial rock dust.

First I repotted Irwin. I couldn't get all the original dirt off so I just plunked it into the fabric pot that once held Tebow.

Maha Chanok
 I discovered that using a sharpened chopstick was an excellent tool for breaking up the dirt ball and removing compacted soil. I wish I figured that out when I was bare-rooting Irwin.
 In its new 3 gallon SmartPot.

Southern Blush

Bagged for recovery.
 Irwin and Maha Chanok also bagged.
Et Voilá.