Sunday, July 10, 2011

Pruned Valencia Pride and more…

Valencia Pride
Well, I finally bit the bullet and pruned her two branches shorter. I feel it will make Vp into a nice bushier tree.
VP is pushing a new flush of growth; I hope it doesn't cause her to reject her two pruned branches?

I grafted Valencia Pride's cut branch onto Manila. I cut Manila and did a cleft graft. I don't think I did a good job, so it will be a miracle if it survives. The other branch (not pictured here) is in a glass of water with KLN and superlicious sugar added to it.

I read from another blog that someone successfully rooted Manila by sticking it into a pot of soil. So, I took the upper piece I cut off, treated it with KLN and stuck it into one of my plastic bottle seedling containers. Hope it works.