Friday, February 25, 2011


Flowers on Carrie.
Southern Blush dropped two of its small branches. Hmmm.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Carrie's flower buds. Wow.
Southern Blush doing okay. I heavily watered all my plants tonight because I'm having problems with young leaves shriveling up and dropping. Lancetilla being the one affected the most.
Lancetilla has some nice new leaves but he's dropped a few and others are exhibiting weird curling and shriveling.
Julie showing weird leaves. But I hope they grow. She needs more photosynthesis machines.
  Pickering. Big difference from the plant I originally got.
Young/Tebow (#2) new growth looking good.
Young/Tebow (#3) also looking good.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

12 Hours photographed

My camera set to interval timer. Photos taken every 20 minutes. Started at 6:30am, stopped about 6pm.
Hmmm, if you look at Southern Blush at the far right, you'll see his leaves rise up.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Time Lapsed Photography.

Yesterday, I set up my camera for interval timed photography so I can study the amount of daylight and its direction through the room where my mangoes are. I stopped it because the weather was cloudy and raining so it defeated the my original idea for the set up. But what I discovered as I 'flipped' through the photos (taken at every half-hour) was Lancetilla's leaves moving and stretching. Cool, I thought. So I'm gonna try to set up my camera again and see if I can capture stop-motion mango tree growing.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I like how Lance's new branches are elongated and spaced far apart enough so that the new leaves won't crowd each other.
Some weird curling of the leaves on one of the shoots. Maybe growing too fast?

Group Photo & Manila

Group Photo
Manila going for another flush of leaves.

Valencia Pride

I sometimes kind of wished I pruned it down more but it probably would have died.
A small shoot lower on the stem.


I'm still hoping that Carrie will put out more terminal buds than just the two.
Carrie's two buds.
[Update]: I found out that one of these is a flower bud. Cool!


Pickering. The image on the far right, shows the area that I scraped off the black rot.


I am wondering if I ought to trim off some of the leaves?

Southern Blush

I hope Southern Blush's new branches continue to elongate. Otherwise it'll look like Glenn.


Graham has one promenant bud developing but I think there are more around the nodes of the leaves. There doesn't seem to be anything happening above the leaf line.


Not much happening with Julie #4 but she still looks healthy.
Julie #1 is trying for growth again. This time I'm really keeping an eye out for spider-mites and fungus.
Some close-ups of Julie's new growth.


Young/Tebow (bent) surprised me when I noticed four shoots.
View from three-quarter top.

Young/Tebow (straight) going good.
Close-up on his shoots.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekend's growth and new development.

 Young (bent) has shown big growth over the weekend!
 the other Young too.
 Valencia Pride going well.
 Glenn's leaves are crowding each other.
 Nice elongation happening with Lancetilla's young branches.
 Mysteriously Pickering is not pushing growth nearer its top but only around the bottom.
[Update]: I found out that a semi-circle of rotted wood is what is causing the growth so low on the stem. The rot is acting like bark notching. So, I used a sharp knife and scraped away the blackened bark and sprayed with Exel fungicide. I might have to prune it down. Right now it looks like Julie #1. Will posts pics of it next time.
 Graham is now going for it.
 Southern Blush new leaves getting bigger.
Julie #1 flushing. I am keeping an eye for any spider-mites. She needs new bigger leaves.
I did find spider-mites on Manila. Good thing I moved Julie away. I sprayed Manila down with insecticidal soap.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Continued Growth!

Group Photo.

Straight Young/Tebow buds are swelling.

This one too.

Valencia Pride's growth. I am hoping the notches I made on her branches will induce lower branching.

Bushy Glenn. Looks like a 'lion's tail'.

Lancetilla doing real well.

Pickering is showing definite growth. I notice shoots forming at the graft-line. This I learned is caused by stress. Julie #1 did the same thing. I was worried it was at death's door.

Carrie appears to be putting out two shoots. I was hoping for more but can't complain, as long as it survives.

Southern Blush, also no longer looking like its at death's door. Hurray.

Julie #1 is struggling. I am seeing some attempts at new leaves.

Manila preparing for new flush of leaves.