Sunday, March 31, 2013

Going home and repotting.

So far I've moved Glenn, Carrie, Edward, Julie, Lancetilla, Lemon Zest, Graham, Valencia Pride & Pickering to my new home. I repotted Edward and Lemon Zest into 10 gallon Geopots.

During repotting of Edward and Lemon Zest, I discovered that most of the medium was dry. I was surprised! I guess my water regiment at work was barely keeping the plants alive!? I am wondering if the fabric pots simply allow the soil to dry out fast?
Any rate, I'll be more thorough about watering now that my mangoes are home.
I potted them up in a simple mix of coir and Optisorb diatomaceous gravel; with a little Kelp meal, glacial rock dust, Osmocote and Mycos.
 Because most of the moisture was at the top, Edward was growing roots upwards. The root structure did look fibrous, so I guess the fabric pot does root-prune.

I had enough planting medium to pot up Lemon Zest.
 Roots were trying to grow through the bottom of the Gro Pot.
 Root structure seems okay.

Edward with an inch layer of bark mulch.
 Lemon Zest with bark mulch too.
Et voilá.