Friday, February 11, 2011

Continued Growth!

Group Photo.

Straight Young/Tebow buds are swelling.

This one too.

Valencia Pride's growth. I am hoping the notches I made on her branches will induce lower branching.

Bushy Glenn. Looks like a 'lion's tail'.

Lancetilla doing real well.

Pickering is showing definite growth. I notice shoots forming at the graft-line. This I learned is caused by stress. Julie #1 did the same thing. I was worried it was at death's door.

Carrie appears to be putting out two shoots. I was hoping for more but can't complain, as long as it survives.

Southern Blush, also no longer looking like its at death's door. Hurray.

Julie #1 is struggling. I am seeing some attempts at new leaves.

Manila preparing for new flush of leaves.