Monday, February 14, 2011

Weekend's growth and new development.

 Young (bent) has shown big growth over the weekend!
 the other Young too.
 Valencia Pride going well.
 Glenn's leaves are crowding each other.
 Nice elongation happening with Lancetilla's young branches.
 Mysteriously Pickering is not pushing growth nearer its top but only around the bottom.
[Update]: I found out that a semi-circle of rotted wood is what is causing the growth so low on the stem. The rot is acting like bark notching. So, I used a sharp knife and scraped away the blackened bark and sprayed with Exel fungicide. I might have to prune it down. Right now it looks like Julie #1. Will posts pics of it next time.
 Graham is now going for it.
 Southern Blush new leaves getting bigger.
Julie #1 flushing. I am keeping an eye for any spider-mites. She needs new bigger leaves.
I did find spider-mites on Manila. Good thing I moved Julie away. I sprayed Manila down with insecticidal soap.