Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My new kids.

Introducing my new kids!
From left to right; Irwin, Southern Blush & Maha Chanok #4.

I like the multiple branches but its way too tall for me. The fruit of this mango, once fetched a price of $5000 for a single perfect fruit at a Japanese auction.

Maha Chanok #4
So after killing three Maha's so far, I am determined that 4th time is the charm.
I have to say, that this Maha from Toptropicals looks way better than the ones from Plantogram.

Southern Blush
This is my second Southern Blush. I'm surprised that Southern Blush has what looks like a weird appearance with the bark. It looks healthy, don't get me wrong, just a strange texture. I'm guessing fungus or something? Maybe the dry California air will clear it up?

Graft lines of Irwin, Maha Chanok & Southern Blush.
Et Voilá.