Saturday, August 14, 2010

Julie, August 14th.

The new flush of growth is taking off.
I'm excited about the another Julie and an Edward that I might get next week; I think TopTropicals will be shipping on Monday? Total: $142 plus change.
I just paid for the Tebow ($90) via Paypal from Plantogram. Mickey (the owner) is a good guy it seems.

I also went to the Hydroponic store on Evelyn and picked up a Hanna hand-held tester to test Ph, EC and tempterature of the water. Found the water in the container to be Ph 6.8; so I added some citric acid to bring it down to Ph 4. Which may be too much so I hosed down my mango tree just to be safe. Manage to get it to 5.9, which is close enough to 6.