Sunday, December 26, 2010

Closet mangoes, day 9.

Valencia Pride dropped some of her leaves but still looking better than the Julie & Alphonso I had earlier, in the same number of days. I did notice that I had planted the guys too deeply but I don't want to repot any of them, so I dug around the trunk and filled in the space with diatomaceous rock. I read online that this was done as a remedy for trees planted too deeply (though they use pea-gravel). Getting oxygen is key, so the fabric pots ought to help with this.
I've discontinued the humidifier but continue to mist after each drying.
I also got to test the water pooling out at the bottom with a hand-held water tester and the Ph was about 7.49. A bit high but within range. Next watering I will add a tiny bit of citric acid.
 Valencia Pride
Glenn (Julie on right)